Monk’s Drop



Visit scenic… Monk’s Drop!

Named for our first mayor, Enric Monk’s Drop, this beautiful city on a plain is home to:

  • The richest cow in the state!
  • A local salad made up of FOUR vegetables!
  • A seminary with an amazing tower that has never tempted a monk to suicide!
  • A penny museum!
  • Trees!
  • The Hall of Postcards!
  • Soothing rivers!
  • Lots of happy, happy monks!

For Your Consideration



Sometimes, Amanda and I like to take postcards and, inspired by the art, either draw or write something original on the back then send them off to friends. This is one of those.

For your consideration during your stay: HIKING! 

Good exercise, a chance to commune with nature, and only rarely would one expect to encounter a spectral male figure walking through the brush, unslowed and ethereal. I don’t know know why I’m mentioning it. But if you DO go hiking — and you should — and if you DO see a pale shadow, then please keep in mind that whatever mishap befell that lost soul, it would have predated the founding of our hotel & spa.

Learn to Swim



Sometimes, Amanda and I like to take postcards and, inspired by the art, either draw or write something original on the back then send them off to friends.

This one’s leaving soon for who-knows-where.



“Learn to swim! To not swim is an insult to our new political allies, the mer-men, who have begun to invest heavily in our local economy, supporting small businesses and, to be frank, putting food on all of our tables. Look. You already float. Without doing anything, you float. So move your arms and legs a little. If you get drowned, it’s like littering in their city and you come off like a big jerk. Learn. To. Swim.”

No Mercy Project

No Mercy printed vs ink No Mercy pencils/inks/printed No Mercy word/pencils/ink No Mercy taco bell pee


Story By: Alex de Campi
Art By: Carla Speed McNeil

I thought it might be interesting to display an “idea to execution” framed set of page one of No Mercy  from Image Comics. On the left is page one in script form from de Campi, followed by McNeil’s pencils, then inks.  Many thanks to both artists for their participation!

Playing the Role of Jonah… a BART Train

street art image of a train driving into the mouth of a giant fish

A mural on the back side of a “gas & food station” that’s visible from the windows of BART trains approaching or leaving the West Oakland station in California.

For those riding a San Francisco-bound train, it’s a nod to the fact that their train is about to go underwater via the transbay tube… though it’s unlikely to meet the swallowed-by-a-giant-fish fate pictured here.