infomercial: lost time incident


Has this ever happened to you?

[A middle aged man looks back and forth between a frying pan and an egg. He seems confused. He suspects the two are related somehow, but… how?]

Well fret no more, because the “lost time incident” newsletter is here to help. For the low low cost of entering your email address into a form, you’ll start getting assorted nonsense from Michael Van Vleet delivered right into your inbox.

[A full grown man in a chicken suit throws egg after egg into the middle of a frying pan. The pan, which is dangerously hot, starts sending clouds of black smoke up as the eggs curl and burn.]

Chicken Man: “I never used to get enough emails before! And now… I get one more email! The zipper on this suit is stuck! Do you think you can–”

And what’s more, if you join today (or on Sunday), you’ll get AT NO EXTRA COST the very first issue delivered to your inbox… and the second issue delivered Sunday night! That’s two for the price of none! This offer is null and void after this weekend!

[The man in the chicken suit has pulled most of the headpiece of the suit over his head, but as it’s attached to the suit’s body, his actual head is stuck somewhere in the chicken suit’s chest. He struggles, but manages a feathery “thumbs up” gesture.]

Chicken Man: “[muffled enthusiastic sounds]”

Sign up today!

Infomercial: lost time incident


What if I told you: You could have a newsletter from Michael Van Vleet in your inbox, possibly on some sort of schedule, for less than you’re currently paying for your monthly electricity bill?

Is this you?

[A woman sits down at a laptop and, with the use of a claw-backed hammer, removes all the keys. She shreds napkins and lets them fall on the jagged remains of the keyboard, forming tiny paper-drifts, turning her laptop’s base into a faux winter wonderland.]

I can help!

By signing up for “lost time incident”, the new newsletter from signalstation industries, you could go from this: [a child’s illustration of a clown poking out from beneath a bed] To this! [the same child’s illustration, but now with a giant red circle and slash drawn across it]

But how?

Sign up now and at the end of this very weekend, you’ll get your first installment of Michael’s new writing experiment! You can unsubscribe at any time, of course, but [the sound of bows being dragged shakily across violin strings and the children’s drawing of an under-bed clown approaches while shaking violently].

Subscribe now!

the lost time incident tinyletter


In the near future, I’ve decided I’m going to put together and maintain a mailing list. Over a year ago, I put out an ebook, mostly composed of old works of fiction, and I’ve yet to have a solid idea for what writing project to work on next. Having a regular, free form writing outlet will, I’m hoping, help with that process.

So the plan is: If you sign up for this email list, you’ll get autobio updates, short pieces, quick thumbnail reviews of media and a free cat. (First come, first serve on the free cat. You don’t even need to subscribe, I’ll give this cat away to anyone.)

powered by TinyLetter

The Signal: EP121


The Signal: EP121 – It’s pouring outside and the apartment is quiet. A cat tries to find the most imposing position possible that it can use to sit on me. On top of everything else, now there’s 45 minutes of music from around the world, available for download. What an age we live in.

This installment, you’ll be hearing some unique sounds from South Africa, rock from Hungary, Canadian pop about California, rocksteady from Jamaica, funky music from the U.S. and France, an avant garde vocal ensemble, vaporwave from New York, and a homemade blend of sketch comedy with plunderphonic Hawaiian vibes. If that sounds at all interesting, click on the link or image above to get yourself a copy.

The file is posted for a limited time. If you want to know artist/song titles, that information is in the id3 tags of the file itself. Most players can read that info for you. I have a few notes below about the process, should that be of interest.