The Signal: EP122


The Signal: EP122 – When the growth hormones kick in, that’s when the music mix really sprouts up. Nothing fits anymore. This time out, we’ve got French psychorama (if that’s a thing), rockabilly from outer space, punk from the undead, funk from New Orleans and much, much more. If that sounds interesting, click on the image to get to the download link.

The file is posted for a limited time. If you want to know artist/song titles, that information is in the id3 tags of the file itself. Most mp3 playing software can read that info for you. I have a few notes below about the process, should that be of interest.


The Signal: EP121


The Signal: EP121 – It’s pouring outside and the apartment is quiet. A cat tries to find the most imposing position possible that it can use to sit on me. On top of everything else, now there’s 45 minutes of music from around the world, available for download. What an age we live in.

This installment, you’ll be hearing some unique sounds from South Africa, rock from Hungary, Canadian pop about California, rocksteady from Jamaica, funky music from the U.S. and France, an avant garde vocal ensemble, vaporwave from New York, and a homemade blend of sketch comedy with plunderphonic Hawaiian vibes. If that sounds at all interesting, click on the link or image above to get yourself a copy.

The file is posted for a limited time. If you want to know artist/song titles, that information is in the id3 tags of the file itself. Most players can read that info for you. I have a few notes below about the process, should that be of interest.

The Signal: EP120

The Signal: EP120

The Signal: EP120 – Closing out the year with one final 45-minute mix of music for any and all creatures that are able to translate the vibration of air molecules against any sort of internal ear-like structure into anything understandable.

The file is posted for a limited time only, so if you suspect it’s something you might want to listen to while you live in a society capable of supplying you with electricity and free time, then download it now, please. When we all return to subsistence farming in a drought-ridden post-peak-oil wasteland, you don’t want to have the regret of missing the 120th installment of a series of music mixes, do you?

The track list is embedded in the file itself, in the id3 tags. Your mp3 player should allow you to take a look.

Also, if you like these mixes, tell your friends about ’em. And heck, if you’ve not done so, let me know! I don’t have any stats on how many of these things get downloaded so honestly I have no idea how many folks are out there listening. Sure, I could do something about it, by it’s much easier to live with mystery.

The Signal: EP119


The Signal: EP119 – Exactly 45 minutes of songs for medical use only, precisely calculated to improve spinal alignment in modern primates and most models of robots. In this installment, we’ve got danceable pop from Canada, an LA artist incorporating sounds from Ethiopia and East Africa, UK hip hop, southern California pop punk, cool sounds from France, Russian surf and a Spanish language a capella cover. Lots of variety for you.

The file will be available only for a limited time so if you’re curious at all, click the links above and download away. The track list of artists is in the file’s id3 tags and notes are below.

The Signal: EP118


The Signal: EP118 – Exactly 45 minutes of of synchronized brain-bopping for your listening pleasure. Don’t worry. Brains are more resilient than we tend to give them credit for.

This time out, we’ve got bass-heavy grime and indie rock from the UK, some beats from California, a track that combines Ethiopian jazz with reggae production, cumbia from Colombia, and lots of other good stuff. The file is only available for a limited time, so grab it while you can. The track-list can be found in the id3 tags of the mp3 and I’ve added a few notes below.

The Signal: EP117

An endlessly pouring cup of coffee

The Signal: EP117 – Summer jamz now that summer is leaving. We present to you, humbly and with malice aforethought, 45 minutes of musical sounds and a couple moments of non-musical sounds.

As ever, the file can be gained by a click on the image above for a limited time only. If this is your first Signal mix, welcome aboard. There’s no cost to try and no cost to buy, so don’t worry about the fact that I don’t tell you what’s in the thing, forcing you to look in the id3 tags of the file to figure out which name goes with which track like some sort of techno-detective.

There are some notes below where numbers correspond to tracks for those looking for insight into the process, such as it is.

The Signal: EP116

The Signal: EP116 – Composed in a cafe in the international terminal of San Francisco Int’l airport (SFO). You’d think that might lead to an international travel theme, but it didn’t. It lead to the usual: 45 minutes of eclectic music from around the world. There’s a lot of instrumental stuff this time out, but we still fit in some rock and roll from Cambodia and a something-or-other from Morocco.

As ever, the file will be available for a limited time, so click the image or link above to grab a copy. You can decide later if you want to keep it. It’s 45 minutes of music that I personally vouch for. It’s a good time. Plus, you can’t beat the price.

Notes are below. I’m going to write them slightly later than these words you’re currently reading, but you won’t notice, because you’re in the future, when I’ve already found a free outlet at SFO to plug in and recharge.

The Signal: NAQ (never asked questions)

And Now It's Showtime

Nobody has ever asked for more information about The Signal but I’ve decided to write about this project of mine  anyway, because I’ve been doing it for over 10 years, so it must be important. There must be something to it.

So below you’ll find out a bit about the history of this ongoing sound project that has consistently found and maintained a listenership of at least 10 people or so.

The Signal: EP115


The Signal: EP115 – 45 minutes of global sounds, the product of a day off and an idiosyncratic library. If you have a free hour, then you could spend 7.5 minutes getting ready to be attentive and still have 7.5 minutes at the end to unwind and recover.

As is traditional, the list of included tracks are built into the mp3 itself, which you can download by clicking on the image above. The link will be available for a limited time only, so even if this is your first visit, it can’t hurt to grab it now and give it a listen later to see if it’s your kind of thing. If it helps any, upwards of 10 people listen to these mixes as they come out and they seem to enjoy them.